Booking directly on has its advantages!
ATELIER de Hoteles offers the Best Price Guarantee Policy when booking on the official website of the hotel chain.
What is the Best Price Guarantee of ATELIER de Hoteles?
When booking a stay at any of the ATELIER de Hoteles properties, the user can get up to a 10% discount in case of finding a lower public rate on a website outside the ATELIER de Hoteles official website.
Participating Hotels:To participate it’s important to follow the next steps:
1. Contact the ATELIER de Hoteles Reservations Center in case of finding a lower rate than the one available on the official website of the hotel at the time of quoting the stay and mention the website that is being viewed.
In Mexico (800) 062 8899 From the United States and Canada 1 (888) 5858 234 Rest of the World + 52 (998) 271 63042. The Reservation Agent will review the website at the time of the quotation to confirm the rate, taking into account the same conditions quoted for the trip.
3. Once the difference in rates has been confirmed, ATELIER de Hoteles will grant the applicable discount.